Tech Bulletin: Keycard Modification NOVELL TECHNICAL BULLETIN TITLE: Keycard Modification DOCUMENT ID: TB.P.160 DATE: 11/86 PRODUCT: PRODUCT VERSION: S.S. Keycard SUPERSEDES: NA SYMPTOM: NA ISSUE/PROBLEM It has been found that the current keycard will not function on the NEC APC IV and the IBM XT 286. If you are using these machines, you will need to make modifications to your existing keycard to produce an alternate keycard. The trace specified on the drawing below will need to be cut. The drawing below is intended to be used as reference. The trace to be cut is clearly marked. This modification will then allow a keycard to work in these machines. As further testing is done with PC clones, more machines may need the alternate keycard. If so, notification will be made. THERE IS A FIX TO 160 LOOK AT 160A Tech Bulletin: Keycard Modification NOVELL TECHNICAL BULLETIN TITLE: Keycard Modification DOCUMENT ID: TB.P.160a DATE: 11/19/86 PRODUCT: PRODUCT VERSION: S.S. Keycard SUPERSEDES: TB.P.160 SYMPTOM: NA ISSUE/PROBLEM A technical bulletin, # 160, was sent out recently regarding the modification that needed to be made to produce a modified keycard. PLEASE DISREGARD THAT INFORMATION; IT IS INCORRECT. We know that to produce the best results in all situations, the information given in this technical bulletin, # 160A, is correct. It has been found that the current keycard, part number 738-000061-001, will not function on the NEC APC IV and the IBM XT 286. If you are using these machines, you will need to make modifications to your existing keycard to produce a modified keycard. The trace specified on the drawing below, which is the back of the keycard, will need to be cut. The drawing below is intended to be used as reference. The trace to be cut is clearly marked. This modification will then allow a keycard to work in these machines. As further testing is done with PC clones, more machines may need the modified keycard. If so, notification will be made.